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Advanced Animal Diagnostics Receives CE Mark Approval for QScout® Farm Lab

Technology expands mastitis testing options for dairy producers in Europe

MORRISVILLE, NC — April 19, 2017 — Advanced Animal Diagnostics (AAD) recently announced that it has received CE Marking approval for the commercial sale of its QScout Farm Lab. The CE Marking demonstrates that a product has been tested and complies with the EU’s health, safety, and environmental protection regulations, allowing it to be sold in the European market.

AAD is bringing this innovative mastitis detection technology to the top dairy-producing countries in Europe via a partnership with a leading animal health company. The QScout Farm Lab, AAD’s portable lab-in-a-box technology, runs the QScout® MLD (milk leukocyte differential) test to detect infection before visual symptoms appear and allow veterinarians and producers to make earlier, more effective treatment decisions to minimize mammary gland damage and the spread of pathogens, and to maximize milk production and quality.

Mastitis infections occur when microorganisms invade a cow’s udder, triggering an immune response that causes inflammation of the cow’s mammary gland. Costing the European dairy industry over €1 billion per year, mastitis infections are the single most prevalent and costly disease that affects dairy cows by reducing milk production, milk quality, and reproductive efficiency.

The QScout® Farm Lab and QScout MLD test combat mastitis by decoding the immune system’s response to infection, finding hidden udder infections before losses occur. Unlike traditional mastitis diagnostic tests, which pose challenges for veterinarians and dairy producers due to milk sampling and handling requirements, the QScout MLD test provides a more precise diagnosis by identifying and differentiating white blood cells in milk at the quarter level.

When used at dry off to guide selective dry cow therapy, the QScout® MLD test led to a 47% reduction in antibiotic use at the cow level and a 59% reduction at the quarter level in U.S. trials. In Europe, where many countries are phasing out mass-medication of livestock, this test will allow dairy producers to ensure that antibiotics are only being given to cows that truly need them. Recent data from the European Medicines Agency show that average antibiotic use in farming is 300% higher than the recommended amount, highlighting the need for accurate tools to identify infected animals.

The test can also be used in early lactation to generate an extra €235 per infected cow. Trial data show that cows diagnosed with QScout MLD and given follow-up treatment have 601 more kilograms per cow at 305d ME, 115,000 fewer somatic cells/mL across the lactation, and 14 fewer days open. Early detection of mastitis with QScout MLD also promotes animal welfare and ensures cow comfort.

About Advanced Animal Diagnostics
Advanced Animal Diagnostics (AAD), Durham, N.C., provides livestock producers with diagnostics that improve profitability and empower more precise care of animals so they live healthier, more productive lives. AAD is committed to researching, developing and commercializing the industry’s most reliable, on-farm diagnostic tests, such as QScout MLD test for early detection of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows. With its diagnostic offerings, the company aims to empower real-time management decisions that increase productivity, prevent losses, improve animal welfare and protect the food supply. For more information, visit or call 1-855 Q2COUNT.

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